The Loud Voices...


At times the voices of evil seem loud and powerful. They prat about so sure of “their science” and “their views.” They seem of self-assured and speak with such seeming confidence. Remind us, as The One who spoke science and all that it entails into being, that Your Words are always sure and never pseudo. That the faith of those who embrace the evil one is just that, faith, and that it is never as sure as it boasts. And that their prattling is full of fluff and deceit and lies, and cannot by its very nature be sturdy. Remind us that while they are loud and seem powerful, that You are true Power, Omnipotent in all. That someday You will destroy their very being with the simple brightness of Your presence and that, that LIGHT will expose all that is darkness into Glorious Light. May we remember that Your Words are always Amen and Amen and that You cannot but speak Truth. Help those of us who stand before others with Your Word, to be bold for Your Sake. And, on those days when we might be discouraged, may we never lose heart and may Your coming be hastened.

In the Name of Jesus,

