A Prayer of Thanks for This Special Opportunity

Dear Loving Father in Heaven,

We are thankful for Your men who have dedicated themselves to the proclamation of Your Holy Word. Father, tomorrow those of us who preach will be blessed with a special opportunity. People will attend our assemblies who are not accustomed to being present for worship. There may be some present who haven’t attended in a year or longer. Many of these folks are expecting to hear about Jesus.

Help Your preachers to tell them about the Savior. Help Your men to proclaim Jesus with every amount of knowledge, zeal, wisdom, compassion, and love that we have within us. May we preach Christ in such a way that will create a thirst to know Him in those who hear the Word. Not because of us, but because of our love for our Lord. Help Your preachers to speak the truth in love. May Jesus be paramount in our hearts, our minds, and our Words.

In the Precious Name of Jesus, we pray,

