9 Keys to Effectiveness in Local Work (part 2)


“fully carry out the ministry God has given you” (2 Timothy 4:5)

If you did not read PART 1 be sure to pick it up HERE

Before we launch forward remember that this is not all inclusive (in fact, I'd like your additions at the end) and that these are only my observations and I do not claim to be an expert.

5 - your capacity to not use matters of confidence in your public teaching: People are going to come to you with their “issues” and there will be times you will be tempted to minister to them from the pulpit but if people become aware that you are taking matters spoken in confidence to the pulpit you will lose your effectiveness. Don’t!

6 - your decision to not talk bad about others: First off, gossip is a sin. But in addition to that it will come back to haunt you. Something you say about another will make it’s way back to them. You’ll fall into a habit that is a bad one. Decide now you aren’t going to spend your ministry regretting things you have said negatively about others. Love all.

7 - your commitment to preach the Word: Our brethren want, need, appreciate and respect the Word.  If you lean heavily into the Word of God you will both please Him and open the door to your messages being effective. It is also important to remember that it is the Word that quickens. It is where own personal faith comes from (Romans 10:17). If you are lacking passion in your ministry is it either because of personal sin, lack of love and involvement in the lives of others or lack of allowing the Word of God to confront your own soul.  

8 - how much time you give Bible studies: By that I mean your own private study. Work hard, prepare, read, study! If you don’t study you may be successful for a period of time but without study there is no way you will have longevity. But if you want to be truly effective it is more than just your own Bible studies but also the Bible studies you do with others. Study the Bible with those who you can who are lost - the Word will not return empty - stir the waters, it solves a multitude of problems.

9 - your attention to your own spiritual life - if you take your focus off your own spiritual health you will stress out, strangle, struggle, smother and sink! Personal spiritual growth will help you handle the impossible schedule and the difficult brethren.