My Dream, by Wesley Walker

praise2 Wes preaches for the Woodson Chapel church in Brentwood. I (Dale) have a natural connection with him since this good church is where my son, Andrew, is one of the ministers.

God had a dream. A dream to extend his love beyond the Trinity into new creatures. So God created. He created man and when it was obvious man needed someone suitable for him to love he created woman. God’s dream was men, women, and God would exist together in loving fellowship.

God had a dream. God dreamed of a people who would love him and love others. Everything else would fall into place. God had a dream for a community of love. God dreamed. Man failed. We did not act out of love for God nor out of love for others. God’s dream of loving fellowship looked like a nightmare.

God had a dream. A dream that would reconcile men back to God and to each other. He did not give up on His original dream. He wants a loving fellowship between Himself and His creation. God had a dream and He paid the price to make it a reality. Dreams are costly and God’s dream cost Him His Son.

God had a dream. That all people of the world would be united under the name of His son. We would no longer view ourselves with worldly definitions--Jew, Gentile, Slave, Black, White, etc.--but in a way becoming of the gospel (Romans 12:1, 2). This new community of love is the church.

I have a dream. I dream that we will be the community of love that God has always wanted. I dream that we will love God and love others. I dream that we will fulfill the royal law, “love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8). I dream that we will understand that what really matters is not our scruples, but faith expressing itself through love (Galatians 5:6).  I have a dream that our distinguishing mark will be love for one another (John 13:35).

I have a dream. My dream is to work with God in making His dream a reality (Matthew 6:10). Dreams require discipline. I will discipline myself to love my brother; not merely in words or in theoretical discussions, but in reality. I will show mercy to those with whom I disagree. I will open my hands to those who are in need. I will patiently teach. And I will do all I can to encourage others to do the same.

God had a dream. He dreamed of a world full of people who recognized His love for them and then loved God and loved others.  Contextualizing Paul, “what does it matter if we’re right in all of our doctrinal teaching if we have not love. What profit is it if our numbers increase in our buildings swell, if  we have not love. What does it matter if our names go down in history as bulwarks of the faith, if we have not love.”  My dream is God’s dream:  A people who love God and love others!