Do I Have To?


The busier we get the less connected we become. Our rush saps the joy from the things we do. It turns the things we do into chores on a massive check list and turns the people into faceless tasks to finish our “service” to and move on. We become more like mailmen delivering packages than ministers discharging grace.  As the list grows so does the frustration. 

My dear friend David Harmon, who died earlier this year, used to ask me if I was “putting to many rocks in my backpack.”  He meant was I taking on too much. Yes, I was, and often still do.  And what my own busyness does is sap the joy from the very things I most love to do.  Articles have facts but aren’t written in an engaging way. Sermons are truth but with nothing that pricks the heart and soul. Visits are made but are shallow and, well, rushed.  I go through the motions and “get it done” but don’t have any effect. 

And. I find myself thinking in terms of “have to.”  I have to get this sermon done. I have to write a bulletin article. I have to make a visit. I have to record this video. I have to post this podcast. I have to deliver this food.  Check, check, check, check…done! But not done well.

What if you decided to make all of your “have to’s” - “get to’s?”  What if you began to think in terms of what you get to do. After all the day will come when you can’t. You’ll either loose your health, passion, job or worse than all soul and you won’t get to do the things you “signed up for.” 

I get to preach! It’s what I love to do. Busyness makes it a task.

I get to study the Word with others! It often leads to saved souls. Busyness makes me combative and rushed to “get to the point.” 

I get write! It touches hearts and increases the opportunity to influence. Busyness makes me rush to ship.

I get to pray! Communion with God is beyond priceless. Busyness leads to empty phrases.

I get to visit with others. To engage with God’s People in the good and bad of life. Busyness pushes it off my schedule and increases guilt.

I get to sit in on elders meetings. To influence God’s Men. Busyness makes all meetings chores.

I get to listen to preachers in their challenges. To be a part of the lives of the greatest men I know. Busyness makes me rush through to answers before I hear the whole matter.

God, help us to turn our have to's into get to's.  Amen.