Just a few this morning but worth the time... The search team at Piedmont Road in Marietta, GA has asked that we post that they are looking for a Family Involvement Minister. They hope to fill the role pretty quickly.   You can contact Neil Richey at neilrichey@yahoo.com for the job description and more info. You can find out more about the congregation at www.LifeInChrist.com.

This scoop to Brendan Chance: Daniel Roberts has accepted pulpit role at Cameron Avenue in Colonial Heights , Virginia.

Slate Moore will be moving to work with the church at Winter Haven, FL. He has been the preacher at Robertsdale for nearly 15 years. It's a good church in south Alabama very near the gulf.  To learn more about them and the role there go to: http://www.churchofchristatrobertsdale.com/

I'm told the Palm Beach Lakes congregation in West Palm Beach is looking for a youth minister. For more info: http://www.pblcoc.org/.

Mitch Wiggains is going to Sherman, TX to work with the Western Heights congregation as their new preacher - http://westernheights.org/. This means the Panhandle church will be looking. To learn more go to: http://www.panhandlechurchofchrist.org/.

That's what we've got today. Share what you know and correct me as needed. Have a grand Sunday!