Confessions of a frustrated man

  It seems to me mankind is going downhill.  We live in a very self-absorbed society. People want what they want, right here right now. Does it taste good, does it feel good? How do I look in these clothes? All about me. There are forces in the world pushing this - tempting us. Self actualization - they want to find themselves, to think they are superior. People think they are, or at least can be, as smart as God. They know what’s right, they believe, better than anyone else.


For me? I’ve seen what’s coming: Harder work, more pain, I lost my dream home, my whole existence changed - just for a few moments of sweetness.


If you’ll take just a little advice from a guy who had it all going on and lost it for a taste of what he was convinced was better, don’t give in, don’t listen to the wrong voices, don’t forget what is right, and most of all, don’t bite.

Spoken with love,
