It seems that everywhere we went in the Bible Lands the question was asked.

Is this the place?

Is this really the place where Jesus…?

Some of the sites are authentic. For instance, there is no question about the Sea of Galilee. You can take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and you can know that our Lord was in that place. It is a very moving experience.

Some of the sites are guesses. One of my personal favorites in Israel is Gordon’s Calvary and the Garden Tomb. We can’t know for sure if this is the place where Jesus was crucified and buried.

Even still, one of the most thrilling experiences in my life is to stand in that tomb and sing, “Up From the Grave He Arose!!”

But, back to our question, “Is this the place?” It’s a question that needs to be asked about the church. Preachers, worship leaders, elders, and everyone involved should consider this question.


IS THIS THE PLACE where Jesus is exalted? (Revelation 4-5)

IS THIS THE PLACE where God is glorified? (Ephesians 3:21)

IS THIS THE PLACE where the Word of God is preached? (2 Timothy 4:1-3)

IS THIS THE PLACE where the lost can find Jesus? (1 Corinthians 14:24-25)

IS THIS THE PLACE where we bear one another’s burdens? (Galatians 6:1-2)

IS THIS THE PLACE where Christians are edified? (Hebrews 10:23-24)

IS THIS THE PLACE where we come to cast our cares on Him? (1 Peter 5:7)

IS THIS THE PLACE where we can freely confess our sins to one another? (James 5:16)

IS THIS THE PLACE where there is no favoritism? (James 2:2-9)

IS THIS THE PLACE where children are loved and taught how to love others? (Matthew 18:2-5)

IS THIS THE PLACE where the aging or given the care and concern they need? (Acts 6)

IS THIS THE PLACE where the “One Another” Scriptures are practiced?

IS THIS THE PLACE where God’s Grace is dispensed in large doses to those who need it most?

IS THIS THE PLACE where forgiveness can be sought & offered?

IS THIS THE PLACE where anyone can come to experience the abundant life? (John 10:10)

Every one of us who is a part of the church needs to ask ourselves often, “IS THIS THE PLACE?”

Dear Father, help us all of us who are in the church to do our part to make sure that this is the place. Help us to make this place a place of joy, happiness, contentment, and peace. In the Name of the One who gave us “the place,” we pray, Amen.