What's a WWDC and what can we expect?

Many of you who use Mac products - i.e. iPhone, iPad, iPods, iTunes, Macbooks, etc. do not follow very closely much outside of the product itself. I can’t say I follow it real closely but probably do more than many who read this blog anyway. So next week is what Apple calls WWDC (for World Wide Developers Conference). WWDC is a gathering in California of roughly 4,000 software and app developers for Apple. About 10 years ago it became known as a time for the leader of Apple to make major hardware announcements - for instance, the iPhone was announced and unveiled at WWDC. Since 1998 Steve Jobs has kicked off WWDC with a major speech in which he pumps up the developers, lists the more recent accomplishments of Apple and introduces new stuff. It cost $1600 to attend, one must be 13 years old, have a paid Apple developer account and sign a full non-disclosure statement. In addition to the keynote over 5 day event there are hundreds of classes and presentations. It’s sort of like a lectureship for geeks. So what will happen at WWDC ’12? Obviously I don’t know - but I can hope. In fact for anyone who follow “The Ministry Geek” podcast each Wednesday at 9:30 (CST), where Michael Hite and Caleb O’Hara and I discuss technology in ministry, you know I’ve indicated that I think Apple is in trouble. Yeah, I know it’s stock continues to soar and I know it is now one of the richest companies in the world and I know more iPhone 4S’s sold than of any product before. I know all of that. But the last three “product” launches have not really produced any “wow, that’s amazing” moments. If “new” iPad offered what? A better screen? The newest iPhone? Siri? Really? Nothing innovative and game changing. It’s time. I’d give them two years before they become an average great company as opposed to the leader in innovation. What I expect: Like most I anticipate new iOS’s (iOS 6 - the platform iPhone and iPad operate on and Mountain Lion - the one for Macs), with some good improvements on them. From a rare interview with the company leader I anticipate Apple will finally do something with Facebook and there were hints of dramatic improvement in Siri (boy there’d better be). Word on the street is that Apple will have a new map program that they hope will “beat” Google Maps. Many seem to think the MacBook Pro line will see a major redesign taking on more of the “form” of the MacBook Air (i.e. Thinner, lighter). What would make me believe Apple is still Apple (but don’t think we will see ... yet): Major refresh of the iPhone: I left the iPhone a while back just because I was bored with it! They need to make the screen larger (both taller and wider - though I think we’ll get taller eventually but not wider). Siri to actually work! Better sound and battery life. A smaller iPad: The iPad has remained virtually the same as it was since the first one was introduced. Surely they could experiment with a smaller one. I sold my iPad about 9 months ago and did not purchase the “new” iPad when it came out. I am excited about the refresh of the Pro line but I can dream of major upgrades to the Air. Here’s the biggie: I want the iPad/MacBook tablet/computer. The computer that is as powerful as the Air but that’s screen, when detached, becomes an iPad. There you have it. On yeah, and in the Apple spirit - “one more thing.” BONUS: I want a “one more thing”! Jobs presentations become famous for the “oh yeah, and one more thing” line he first delivered in 1996. From that time forward he’d often end with “and one more thing” and that “thing” would be the “wow factor” of the event. I want something to be announced that no one saw coming. Something that made Apple, Apple. Something that I need but don’t know I need it :). Something that when the announce it everybody who hears and loves Apple gasps and every other computer company shudders. Why should I care? Well, no real reason. I like tech and development. I love to see people do amazing things and am crazy about new tools. Why should “we” care? Well, I may be what is known as an “Apple Fanboy” but truth is I love any tool that I think will help me do my work better, or more efficiently or will help me innovate. So what in the Apple announcement are you hoping to see?