Top Five Reasons Why I Use My Leather Bound Bible Over My Electronic Bible

Most of you know I am somewhat addicted (go ahead and hate :)) to technology.  But try as I might (and believe me, I've tried) when sitting in church or a Bible class I still really want my "preaching Bible" in hand.  I can look things up on my phone or tablet but I've not been able to make the jump - here's a few fun possible reasons) I'm not opposed to them. We probably have as many people who use their phone or tablet as use their paper Bibles at Spring Meadows - but I still go back to my bound Bible:
5. My battery has never run down on my bound Bible (bB)
4. My bB has never crashed
3. I’ve never lost a “note” written in the margins of my bB
2. No one has ever texted me on my bB while I was reading it distracting my focus
1. My page has never timed out and gone blank while reading my bB
BONUS: I like to hear the preacher say "the sound of people turning pages in their Bible is one of the most beautiful a preach can hear."