A New Book!

Today I am launching something a little risky.  With the talented brush of Bradley Gean and through the kind encouragement of others I am releasing a new book. It is, frankly, beautiful (thanks to Bradley). But after my experiences in publishing so far I’ve learned that I am, well, awful, at selling books. So beginning today I am going to release this as an online book with an honor system.  

Go to http://www.sharesnack.com/56B5EF7EFB5/fz1mwkmh - read, look, share and enjoy.  It’s yours.  But if it blesses your life or you think it would bless others click the link below and make a donation: a dollar, five, twenty. It’s up to you.  If you don’t have anything don’t give anything - I’d rather the book bless you than me have your money. But if you do and the book is worthwhile, help me pay Bradley for his good work, help me get this to “real” print.  Go to http://www.eventbrite.com/event/3095020289 to make a donation.


Make a donation and send the link to your favorite youth worker/minister. Most of all I want you to enjoy this work and share it with others.