He Knows Our Name

It has been a rich blessing to sit at the feet of Dr. Terry Edwards this week. We’ve been involved in our FVBS and our children have been studying about Jesus each night. Terry has taught the adults in our main building each night, and his lessons have been phenomenal. We have listened to him for an hour every night, and I could have sat and heard him teach for several more hours.

Sometimes, I hear people say that preachers/teachers in the church do not speak with very much love and passion. If that is true, then shame on us. If you believe that, I would strongly encourage you to go to our website and listen to Terry’s lessons (they should be up soon).

His lessons have centered on the Birth, Miracles, Parables, and Death of Jesus. How wonderful it has been to hear the old story again. There are times that those of us who preach are so busy telling the story that we fail to hear the story of Jesus for ourselves. I will forever be in Terry’s debt for allowing me to hear the story again in such a powerful, moving way.

The night we looked at the Parables of Jesus, Terry talked about how we all have had our favorite teachers. He mentioned that his favorite teachers have been his Father and Neal Pryor. He reminded us that some teachers remember names well and others do not.

Then he reminded us that Jesus, the Master Teacher never forgets our name. He knows our name and He cares deeply about each one of us. Followers of Jesus need to know that and be reminded often that we have a High Priest who understands our lives (Hebrews 4:14-16).

John the beloved friend of Jesus records the Words that Jesus spoke about knowing our names. “He who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out…” So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.” (John 10:1-7)

When you feel all alone, Jesus knows your name.

When you feel sad, Jesus knows your name.

When you feel beat down by life, Jesus knows your name.

When you have lost the closest person on earth to you, Jesus knows your name.

When you have been defeated by sin, Jesus knows your name.

When you have overcome temptation, Jesus knows your name.

When you have lost everything, Jesus knows your name.

When you feel tired and worn out, Jesus knows your name.

When you are sick and hurting, Jesus knows your name.

When you are hungry, Jesus knows your name.

When others who you never thought would, forsake you, Jesus knows your name.

When you are near the end of your life, Jesus knows your name.

When you are faithful to Him, Jesus knows your name. Someday He will call you by name and He will say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:23)

Dear Father in Heaven, we thank You for Your Son and our Savior Jesus. We thank You that He knows all of His followers by name. We thank You that He cares so deeply for each one of us. May we never forget how blessed we are to serve Him and may we always remember to tell others about Him. In His Dear Name we pray, Amen.