Two events occurred this past week that encouraged me, challenged me, humbled, me and reminded me of the importance of talking to others about Jesus.  The first was a phone call from a sister who just turned ninety years of age. She was requesting assistance in finding a preacher in another state to visit her niece. She has been involved in a Bible study with her niece in recent weeks.  She believes that if the right person contacts her niece and if her niece finds the right church she will give her life to the Lord. 


The second event was a hospital visit.  This time I was visiting a sister who recently turned one hundred years of age who has a blood clot in her leg.  When I walked into the room she said, “I’m so glad you came to see me, I have something I want to talk to you about (there are times that a statement like that puts fear in the heart of a preacher, but not this time)! This dear sister continued by asking me if I would be willing to assist her in a Bible study that she has set up with her rehab nurse.  She has been talking with her about the Bible and the young woman has agreed, along with her boyfriend, to study the Bible. I told her it would be an honor to be a part of that study.  She said, “I thought that’s what you would say”  

One sister is ninety years young, the other 100 years of age, and they are involved in teaching people about Jesus! Which brings me to the title of this article, “TELL ME AGAIN WHY WE CAN’T TALK TO OTHERS ABOUT JESUS??”  For those of us who are Christians, we have no excuses. If we have been saved we should be telling someone the Good News.  We sometimes say we are too busy, we don’t feel well enough, we don’t know enough, we can’t find the people, or we attempt to dismiss what one friend of mine calls our “evangelistic laryngitis,” with some other reason.  

Friends, surely we tell someone about our Lord. There are people everywhere who have yet to be introduced to the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.  They are in our neighborhood, they are in the malls, the stores, the restaurants, the hospitals, they work with us everyday, and some of them even live in our homes with us.  

Sometimes we forget that we have been saved to help others find salvation, we have been redeemed to tell others about redemption, we have been introduced to the Lord so that we might introduce others to Him. Christianity really is, one beggar helping another beggar find bread.  My two dear senior Christian sisters make me want to do better. They make me want to work harder to find someone who needs to hear the Good News.  They have challenged me in their quiet way to want to tell more people about Jesus. I am thankful for them and I will be a better Christian because of them. What about you? Is there someone in your world that you can reach out to this week?  

Dear God, thank You so much for bringing Godly examples into our lives. Thank You for those Christians who challenge us and encourage us to tell others about Jesus. Father, help us to open our eyes this week to those around us who need to hear the Good News. Forgive us when we are weak and when our voice has grown quiet. Help us, dear God to find another beggar this week with whom we can share the Bread of Life.  

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