My Sunday-to-Sunday Life

I can remember those days. I’d get paid on Sunday and rush to the bank Monday morning. I was living paycheck to paycheck. I did that for more years than I am willing to own up to. Roughly 38% of you who are in ministry are still there, I understand and am thankful for the sacrifices you make for the ministry. 

But that’s not the Sunday to Sunday I’m talking about. 

I’m Sunday to Sunday. I live in that precarious place where my elders are good and my relationship with the church is healthy but the ever present reality that I’m one sentence in a sermon, one accusation from the right person, one indiscretion away from not having a job. 

I’m Sunday to Sunday. For nearly 40 years I have not slept well on Saturday night. It doesn’t matter how many hours I’ve studied and prepared, how good life is otherwise, I am most ofter awake until the wee hours of Sunday morning and then up before the sun that day. I fantasize about a night of 8 hours of sleep on a Saturday. I think I’m weird but I bet a number of you are too. 

Yes, I’m Sunday to Sunday and while some might question my faith or confidence, this Sunday to Sundayistic life I live presses me to greater faith. It pushes me to not be self-reliant but to trust in God come what may. The Sunday sermon, bathed in prayer and covered with His Word. The precarious place where I could be out of a job at any time. Even the lack of financial independence forces me to turn to Him. Others might, He will not forsake me. Others have, He has not let me down. I put my trust in Thee, where else can I rest it?

"When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Psalms 56:3-4).

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