The Don’t Quit Manifesto…

I will accept the fact that their are challenges inert in ministry.

I will be alert that signing up for this role means I will at times be hurt.

I will understand that some days are worse than others.

I will strive to remember that Jesus had those who were enemies and not be surprised when I find, even in doing right, I will too.

I will be aware that sometimes my relations with other leaders will not go smoothly.

I will be cognizant of my own humanness and strive to guard my manner of life.

I will own up to my own sins and find healthy places to confess them.

I will embrace good shepherds and do all within my power to help those who are not, but who wear the title, to grow. 

I will seek to be as patient with others as I wish others to be with me.

I will endeavor to move quickly past a hurt and not allow bitterness to take root.

I will love the brethren.

I will love the brotherhood.

I will minimize the voices that tell me all the reasons I can’t and shouldn’t be effective in ministry.

I will nurture my relationship with God through spiritual discipline.

I will press myself to have a positive attitude and strive to be joyful even in the difficult.

I will remind myself that it is not possible to live at peace with everyone.

I will foster healthy relationships with fellow ministers.

I will be grateful for God’s goodness expressed through others and learn to say “thank you” often.

I will remember that every person I meet has a soul and strive to be gentle, understanding, and evangelistic.

I will decide to live within my means.

I will hone my skills.

I will diversify my approaches and strive to avoid ruts. 

I will live in the glow of God’s love for ME.

I will not quit…

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