You too

Our surveys would reveal that roughly 87% of you preached on the resurrection yesterday. The truth is probably closer to 100% of us preached the resurrection for in preaching the death to sin and burial in Christ, the resurrection in the natural progression. You spoke into people’s lives the hope that is found only in Christ proved by the resurrection. You affirmed the superiority of Christianity over every other religion because of the significant of our Leader’s tomb being empty. You proclaimed the power of Christ over the grave. You preached His life-giving grace. You emphasized His ability to aid your listeners in overcoming guilt, addictions, sin. You pointed them to new life, hope, meaning for life, significance in serving. All based on the belief in His resurrection. 


It was glorious, life-changing even. There were hearts that were stirred and intentions determined to live a new life based on this belief. The crowd was up, guests were present, hope was alive. 


And now Monday is dawning. When you’ll move a little wearily, you’ll take calls from sales-people, you’ll contact some of the guests from yesterday, you’ll hear a complaint or two, you’ll face the frustrations of ministry, you’ll feel the constant pressure that Sunday is only 6 days away, you’ll make a hospital visit or two, and confront your own personal demons. 


I want to remind you that the same Jesus who rose for your listeners rose for you too, to give you life, peace, grace, freedom from guilt and sin, and hope. The resurrected Savior isn’t just for preaching, He’s for your life too. May God bless you this week as you thrive in light that He’s your savior too.
