He Cares

You've studied your heart out all week. You preached the Word today with all of the passion you can find inside yourself.

During the course of the week you heard some terrible news about an illness, your child got in trouble at school, an unexpected repair on your house came due, and you don't have the money to pay the bill. Then to top it all off, you feel like you are catching this nasty flu that's been going around!

Today an elder jumped on you for something that happened at Church that had nothing to do with you. A member misunderstood something you said in a sermon and accused you of teaching false doctrine. Because of everything going on around you this week and today your mind wasn't clear which made you wonder if the sermon hit home, with anybody!

Every man who preaches long enough will go through some or all of these experiences. When we do, we have all kinds of emotions that flood our minds. One of which is, DOES ANYBODY CARE???

Do the elders care, do the members care, does my family care, does anybody care about what's been going on. Some would say, "quit bellyaching and act like a man!" May I say, instead, please don't forget that there is someone who cares deeply about you, even when it seems like no one else does.

Our Lord in Heaven cares. Some of you older guys will remember a great old hymn, "Does Jesus Care"? The verses speak of everything this article has talked about, and more.

The beautiful, heart-warming, uplifting refrain says:

"Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares,

 His heart is touched with my grief;

When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,

I know my Savior cares."

My friend, please don't forget those words this week, regardless of what you are dealing with in your life. Please remember that you have a savior who cares deeply for you, even now, even still, and always!


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