Then Cometh Sunday . . .

Sunday comes. On your worst day ever, when your heart is aching, when you feel betrayed, when you bury your mom, when you’re fearful you’ll be fired, when you’ve had a hectic week and not the time to study you wish, when you would rather be alone and not have to speak to anyone, when your throat is sore and you’re running a fever, when you couldn’t sleep the night before, when the song leader leads your least favorite songs, when you are spent, when that person attacks you 10 minutes before services begin, when financial matters are pressing down hard, when you wonder if you should even be preaching, when your elders have not supported you, when you are discouraged, when you are angry, when you’ve allowed a little sprout of bitterness to germinate, when you and your wife are arguing, when your children have done something against everything you believe, when you’re embarrassed over your own actions, when you are questioning your own faith, when you are tired, when you are trying to make a decision that affects the rest of your life, when you feel you’ve made a bad decision that will affect the rest of your life, when you feel too young and inexperienced to make the wisest judgement, when you feel you’ve gotten old and out of touch, when you fear what you will say will get you fired, when you feel what you say will hurt another, when you have to take a stand you don't want to take, when you’ve taken a stand you regret taking. Sunday comes. 

Sunday comes and the Good News must be preached. The Gospel of Christ must be preached with passion and compassion, with persuasion and conviction, with a pure heart and a clean conscious, with pride for Christ and celebration of His resurrection. Sunday comes. 

Sunday comes and may God help us keep our issues out of the way of His Mission. Sunday comes and what joy that we get to tell of Christ.  Sunday comes. Thank God for Sunday.

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