A Prayer as we come together

Father of Light:

As many who read these words are thinking of classes and sermons and ministering to others tomorrow we pray that their focus will be sharp and their commitment to Your Word above any personal agenda would be sure. May their love for Your people be clear. May they be a light and may they bring Your light to others.

As the week goes on many who read these words will spend some time with their fellow ministers. May they avoid bragging or exaggerating, may they not be discouraged when others work might be flourishing and they feel their’s is inferior, may they rejoice in good and may they see good, may we enjoy these days to the max and truly be encouraged by the time with each other. May each remember our perfect Minister/Mentor, Jesus and may we strive to be like Him. May Your grace and peace be with those who desire to be with others but cannot.

In Jesus Name,

