Should I wait to be fired or quit now?

Dan Miller wrote a post with the above title. He examined this from the business world. We want to look at it from the vantage point of the minister. 

We’re often asked this or similar questions like: “The elders gave me the option of resigning or being released. What should I do?” 

First off, at no point would we encourage dishonesty or lying. Even if others do, do not degrade yourself, your ministry, or your Lord in so doing. 

Second, sometimes ministers are fired, released, let go (see this free download or order You’re Fired, Now What for much more than I’ll say here). When fired accept it and move on as quickly as possible, learning every positive lesson you can from it.

Third, often ministers who are let go are given the option of being fired or allowed to resign. Some are indignant about this and want to force the leaders to have to fire them thinking it will make those leaders look bad. If that is your motive, either stated or not, while we understand your hurt, you might need to examine your heart and desires a little deeper. If your desire is to make the leaders of the church look bad, not only will you be gone but the congregation will be left with leaders who they do not trust or look down on. Your desire must be in leaving to leave the church in as good a shape as you can for them to go forward and do well. Thankfully, that is the norm from our ministers, not the exception.

If you are given the option and chose to be fired, know it could affect your next work. There are those who will wonder if they want to take a risk on you. On the other hand, if you are given the option and chose to resign you cannot accept unemployment funds. 

While the choice is yours if given, unless the elders are teaching a false doctrine, we would almost always advise the preacher to resign for the sake of not causing additional conflict within the congregation. 

We preach the greatest message in the world, of the greatest news in the world, from the greatest Book in the world, about the greatest God in the world, to the greatest people in the world! We have the greatest job in the world. Let’s act like it! 

Step back. Pray for the church, the leaders, your family, and your own heart. See what positive lessons you can take from the experience into your next work and then go forward in the strength of the Lord. If we can help you, let us know.


FREE DOWNLOAD of You’re Fired, Now What? HERE

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