I honor you...

Dad, I honor you. You instilled in me a love for the church, a respect for the scriptures and a passion for the Lord..regardless. Mom, I honor you. You taught me to love the Work I do and how to enjoy life.

Gloria, I honor you. You are the first “Bible school” teacher I remember. It may have been the way you told the story of Jonah or it may have been the cookies and juice but I looked forward to church every Wednesday night because of you.  In honoring you I honor all of God’s teachers.

Helyn, I honor you.  You ran a Children’s Bible Hour virtually by yourself for 25 years. In honoring you I honor all dedicated volunteers.

Glenn, I honor you. You took time that you did not have to listen to a struggling young preacher and to advise him. Every time I get a call from a younger guy needing a listening ear, I honor you.

Ken, I honor you. You attempted to teach me to lead singing. You failed but you tried. In honoring you I’m reminded of all who try.

Hoyte, I honor you. You were my first shepherd. You continually asked about my family and how we were doing. I’ve had many since. In honoring you I honor all who strive to shepherd.

Diane, I honor you.  You struggled with faithfulness but you didn’t give in to the struggle. In honoring you I honor all in that uphill struggle.

Eugene, I honor you.  You taught me to disagree with someone and still love them.  In honoring you I honor all those who are generous and patient with those they disagree with.

Anne, I honor you. At 105, blind and nearly deaf, you still showed up every Sunday. When someone asked you “why”, you said, “I just want people to know whose side I’m on.”  In honoring you, I honor all who live faithfully.

Andy, I honor you.  I remember the Wednesday night you thanked God for elders who shoulder burdens we never know about.  In honoring you, I honor all who strive to understand the role and support elders.

Martha, Joan and Sarah, I honor you.  You were the trio who made it clear you would take on any task...and do so with joy. I’ve known many like you but none like you. In honoring you I honor all who commit to the “ministry of getting it done...regardless.”

Wayne, I honor you. You didn’t have much money and less talent. But you showed me that a servant always does what he can.  In honoring you I honor all those who give their best.

Melanie, I honor you. You are faithful and love me in spite of me.

Spring Meadows church, I honor you. You continue to wow me with your creative energy and get it done mentality.

“Pay to all what is owed to them...respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed” (Romans 13:7).

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:23).


- There are many others...who do you need to honor?  Do it.