
For the first time in my life, I am training a puppy. We had a dog growing up but he was a vicious creature who lived in the backyard. Picture the fire-breathing dragon that lived under the steps in the Muster’s sitcom. Then when Andrew was little a “friend” gave us a dog when we were leaving Hamilton to move to Nashville, but Scooter was already trained. 

A few months ago Melanie expressed the desire to have a dog and a couple of months ago we got a six week old cute little puppy. He is as dominant as a newborn. He has pooped and peed on our floors, scatters his toys all over the floor, and never picks up after himself. He wakes us up in the middle of the night playing with a squeaky toy. He chews any shoe he can get ahold of and has damaged a book or two that I’ve left in a place that turned out to be low enough that he could get to them. He is beyond hyper and likes to bite. 

Yet, my Melanie loves and enjoys him. And, I have to admit he’s cute. 

So when any of the above happens it is either verbalized or understood. Remember, he’s just a puppy. Yep, that little four-word phrase seems to cover a multitude of “sins.” And, he is getting better. He and I have come to a mutual understanding, he doesn’t bite me, and I let him live!!! But sometimes he seems to forget. After all, he’s just a puppy. 

It won’t shock you as a fellow minister to know that this all reminds me of a Word from God: “For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14). 

I think that in a far from equal experience God sees me as I see Reagan. Surely at times, I frustrate Him. Surely I squeak more than I should. I make messes where I shouldn’t. I forget our understandings. And I don’t treat His “books” like I always should. And, the text tells me “He remembers that we are” (I am) “dust.” For the Christian, it is never an excuse to sin (1 Peter 2:16), but it certainly is a positive reminder that God is gracious. 

Note the verse prior to 14: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:13). 

I know you fall as a minister. I know sometimes you probably feel like a dog. I know that are moments of personal exasperation tinging on self-hatred. May I remind you to remember that He remembers that you are dust and He loves you anyway. Hang in there Dusty, He loves you!
