What is it for you?

What is it for you? 

Here was mine today: I preached as a guest and was asked to preach a Gospel Sermon. So, I preached on Grace. From all I know of the text I didn’t preach anything false, but when I stepped out of the pulpit I thought of a point I missed. Something that would have added value to my message - that might have moved someone. 

For you it might have been a misquotes passage, a brother who won’t get off your back, a haunt you can’t seem to shake, a guilt screaming for attention, a grief hurting your heart, a mistake in your past that keeps rearing its ugliness. 

Regardless, I’ve determined that most all ministers have them.

They leave ua feeling empty, disappointed, inadequate and they might make you reconsider your chosen field of work. They leave you wondering if you should quit. 

Tonight I want to remind you that the church needs your voice, the lost need your influence, our culture needs your salt, but most of all that God is for you and your work. He has a vested interest in your betterment and perseverance. While you may fail in the eyes of many, if you proclaim His Gospel with faithfulness and integrity you are not a failure in His. We pray for you and your service often - remember God is for you!
