What'd You Eat Today?

What’d you eat today? I ate what I eat every week and with the same folks I eat with every week. Man, it's my favorite meal at my favorite place! I love telling people about it. Some think I ought to change it up some, not eat this same meal every week. Others make fun of it and mock it as a Chiclet. How much nourishment can that little break of bread or square give?

I’ve been eating this meal every Sunday for nearly 50 years with others “Acts 20 churches.” Let me tell you. It feeds me. I’m healthier spiritually, emotionally and in every good way because of that meal. It is the communion that reminds me of how much I am worth (1 Peter 1:18-19). It reminds me that I am loved by one who is powerful enough to protect, wealthy enough to sustain me, righteous enough to defend me with integrity, and honest enough that I can always trust Him. This meal connects me to the power of Christ and thereby the assurance of my salvation. It is the food that keeps me healthy me until I get to heaven. It is also the meal that I share with ALL others who love Him. It is the table that connects me when satan would divide me. 

Oh, this meal is so vital. This is neither passing fad nor empty calories, it is no junk food. It keeps me going. It gives me strength. It nourishes my soul. It reminds me of why I do what I do. If I’m ever tempted to give up, I need to deeply meditate on this meal and it’s meaning. It will keep you from quitting! 

What'd you eat today?

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