Sundays Come

Preaching is like a machine. Sunday’s come. They are like a production line. They are like a hammer in rhythm. They come with unrelenting regularity. Some days they feel like a machine gun. It doesn’t matter what your biorhythms, what your week was like, where you are emotionally, spiritually, if you are healthy as a horse, or dead tired and spent, Sunday is still going to show up. 


What I’m going to share next does not happen every week, but probably a whole lot more than I would like to admit. How many Saturdays have I sat and thought, I’m not sure I can do this tomorrow, but then Sunday morning still shows up (because it does) and I have to/get to stand up and preach the Joyful, Good News of Jesus. And, it seems something happens, in the moment what I wondered if it would ever “fly,” connects. Of course not every week but more often than not. And, it seems. more often when I feel less confident than more, things work BETTER than I expected. I know I may be the only one.


And, I don’t know about you, but when the day is over - for me it often seems the reward and rest tracks in direct reverse proportion to my frustration going into that day. I know I could be wrong, but I sometimes wonder if that is not God’s grace realized to keep me moving forward.

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