Our Voice

Without a doubt, one of the most amazing, most wonderful, and most beautiful blessings God has given to us is our voice.

No, I’m not saying that we all have beautiful voices. Some of you guys do. Some of us, not so much! But the fact that God has given us a voice to communicate His Word, for His Glory, is a beautiful gift.

The question for those of us who preach is, how are we using our voice? Do we use our voice in life-giving ways?

Perhaps, one of the reasons the masses of people were drawn to our Savior was the fact that He used His voice, His words to encourage everyone. This would no doubt include His authenticity, His compassion, His love, His kindness, His willingness to speak Truth, and His passion for doing the Will of the Father.

Jesus was never too busy, He was never in too much of a hurry, He was looked past others because there was someone more important.

Doesn’t it make sense then, that those of us who claim to speak on His behalf would incorporate these same characteristics in the way we use our voices?

A wise man once said, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Shouldn’t we use life-giving words when we speak to those closest to us; Our wives, our children, our co-workers, our leaders, and our friends?

We work and live among people every day who are beat-up and put down on a regular basis. People are stressed, they’re anxious, they’re angry, they’re insecure, they’re discouraged. The desperately need to hear some life-giving words from God’s spokesmen.

My prayer for all of us this week is that we will allow God to use us this week to share life-giving words with everyone around us!





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