Blessed to Preach

It would be hard to fully express but here’s my stab at it:  

It means I am held to a higher standard by God, so I have to be careful of my teaching (Colossians 4:17; James 3:1). 

    by the brethren, so I have to be careful of my life (Matthew 7:3-5). 

    by myself (1 Corinthians 9:27; 1 Timothy 4:16).

I’m a better person for being a preacher. 

Not only does the fact that I am held to a higher standard make me a better person but I am also better because I am confronted continually with the Word of God which refines me, challenges me, does internal surgery on me.

It means I get to be a part of what God is doing in the world today - to be His ambassador. An opportunity to serve in a meaningful and fulfilling way.  

It means I get to work with the greatest people on earth, God’s People.  

It means I get to be a part of living life with and interacting with the best people I know - God’s ministers.  

It means family, it means Family, it means FAMILY.

With all of the frustrations and feelings of fault or failure I am blessed to preach. I do not deny the difficulties that come with this duty but I sometimes wonder where I would be or what my life would be like if I were not blessed to preach and work with God, and His Word and His People.  

I am blessed to preach - I hope you feel the same.


* Thanks to Tim Roland who inspired these thoughts.

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