Please read this...and act BEFORE Tuesday.

This is a little longer than usual but please read it and act and forward it on: If we sit on our hands on this matter I imagine we will look back and regret it.  We’ve all been watching the news of metro-Nashville and while you may not live there (a number of you do), many of us live close enough that if this happens it will impact us anyway.  I am not against homosexuals but against the practice of homosexuality!  The lies that those practicing this sin have been led to believe are destructive to their very soul.

In a sense it is no worse than other sin, all sin not covered by the atonement of Christ will cause us to be lost.  But in another since it is a sin that seems to be singled out by God from the Old Testament to the present age.  I imagine it is because it is a sin which destroys the basic building blocks of society - the Home.

And contrary to what those who practice this sin - they do not just want to live in freedom to enjoy their little lives.  For instance - the North American Man/Boy Love Association’s (NAMBLA) website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end "the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships.”  And consider this: According to a study done by John Diggs, JR. M.D. “75% of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners.”  They also claim that so many in our society are homosexual. A 2005 Kinsey Report says that only 2.3% of men and 1.3% of women considered themselves homosexuals.

The bill before Nashville (ordinance No. BL2011-838) would require private businesses that contract with Metro on construction projects, or that furnish supplies or services, to add protections for “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to their internal employment/personnel policies.

·         Translation: the homosexual community would be able to use this as leverage. If a business owner didn’t hire a homosexual/transgender/cross-dresser to work for him, the H/T/C-D person would be able to take him to court, and sue him for discrimination. Also, the benefits extended through insurance to homosexuals with diseases like AIDS would complicate our health care system even more than it is. (Why should business owners have to pay for the disease that they chose to transmit from their lifestyle?)

·         Please understand that this is not an issue of prejudice. I don’t hate gay people. But this is an issue of morality (the Bible is clear about the sin of homosexuality), and our country was founded upon moral principles. Please help us let others know this is not about hate or fear but about love for God and Respect for His clear Word.  We love and pray for those who are practicing this sin.

·         What we need you to: This ordinance has passed, slimly, on it’s first and second reading. The last time they voted 21-20 in favor of the bill, and so now it has made it to the final vote. If it passes this Tuesday (15th) it is official.

Many of you might think that there’s nothing that we can do, but nothing is impossible with God. If He could (and He can) change just two hearts on the council, then this bill will be defeated.  You can bet the homosexual community has let it’s voice be loud on this!  Please:

·         Pray that God will change the hearts of at least two council members. Email them individually and/or as a group here: Tell them to vote against the bill. You might even tell them that you are praying for them. It might make them mad, but if just two are on the fence, then that’s all it’ll take.

·         Forward this info like crazy to your elders, ministers, family members in Davidson County (better yet call them. A lot of people ignore forwards). The homosexual community will use this (as they have every other small thing along the way) as leverage (like small cracks in the road that have frozen to create large holes). We need to rally together on this to fight this. With every small step that the homosexual community has taken over the years, they have made giant leaps, and with every inch, came a mile. We know however that regardless of what culture decides, God does not accept this sinful type of lifestyle. Preachers - DO SOMETHING! Don't just stand by on this - the time is short.  Let's make some noise on this.

·         Don’t do nothing. =) Do what you can, and do something. Please join me in using your influence in this matter.