Spring Meadows Academy

Part of the dream from “day one” here at Spring Meadows was for there to be a school that would serve our children, serve our families and whose purpose would be outreach. As many of you already know the exciting announcement was made February 22 that we would be moving forward with the plans. So, to bring you up to date: The plan is to begin with a two day a week mothers’ day out day school in September. A board has been formed. A name has been chosen - Spring Meadows Academy. We have a website -www.springmeadowsacademy.net. A logo has been conceived - we’re still cleaning it up some. A director has been selected: Cindy Zientak. Registration is slated to begin at 3 pm on April 26.

There is much to do! Startup funds must be raised. We need to raise money for a commercial grade play-space. There is webwork to do and applications to be printed. There is advertising to pursue.

Cindy presented me with a list of some needs that I thought some of the readers of “The Blog that Binds” might help meet:

Spring Meadows Academy day school is in need of many new and gently used children’s items. Please review the list below to see if you can help out by donating things your children may have outgrown or simply don’t need anymore.

* Ride-on toys that are low to the ground (i.e. big wheels, tricycles, etc. No bikes please):
* Playground balls
* Hula hoops
* Sidewalk chalk
* Bubbles or bubble blowers (the motorized kind)
* Books, books, books
* Legos - the larger size ones
* Wooden blocks, lincoln logs, etc.
* Baby dolls
* Play kitchen
* Toy Dishes
* Toddler toys (ages 2 & up)
* Reproducible books and teacher aids such as craft idea books
* Flash cards, learning games
* Craft supplies - be creative, we’ll figure out how to use it

If you have any questions concerning what is needed, please contact Cindy Zientak at cindy@smcoc.net. Monetary donations to help in purchasing items are great as well!

Watch next week for another exciting announcement!