
To those of you new to this site, WELCOME. This site is designed to encourage and aid preachers and those in ministry. We post at least once a week information of new churches looking for a minister. If you are new here are a few things you need to know:

1. This is not a site that strives to investigate, do deep research or determine the faithfulness of congregations or ministers. It is just a list. It is sort of like the “want ads”. If you saw a car listed in the want ads, you would not buy it without first checking it out (at leat most of us wouldn’t). Same here. If you trust me enough to accept a job, or a preacher without first seeing if the match is a good one, you are foolish - don’t blame me. I’m just providing a place for a list.

2. As a result I try to “clean up the ads”. Some people don’t like that. If you are one who doesn’t then don’t list here. A lot of churches like to use code words like “sound church looking for faithful minister.” I understand, but my assumption is that every church believes itself to be “sound” at least by their definition but different people have different definitions of what sound is. I’m not starting a fight here, just stating the fact.

3. If I know something about a church that will help, I will try to include it as a personal note. To be overly blunt, it’s my blog so I get to decide what is said, if you don’t like it start your own :).

4. This is a biggie: If you want to be notified when I update this page with an email just let me know. I will add you to the list. Painless. Just send me an email at and write someone in it “scoop”

5. I try to have fun with this as well as do some good. I love the Lord’s church and I love my brethren in ministry. I want this to be an encouragement and I also want it to be fun! So enjoy my strange mind.

6. Finally, share your scoops! Let me know if you have any updates that I can share with others. Thanks, and welcome to “The Scoop Blog”.