“Write Sunday”...

OK, I gotta blog this. This afternoon has to go down as one of the most memorable days in my life “in the church”. Some things you hear and just store away thinking at some point you might be able to use them. It’s been years ago that I heard of a church building a new facility and they had the members write their favorite passage on the floor before the carpet was installed. So today at our building site (which everyone was amazed at) we invited everyone out to join us and write their favorite passage on the floor. We also asked them to write names of people they hope to bring to the Lord so that we will be praying “over” these names as we pray together. To see all the people flock in, to see our families, our singles and all together, writing, open Bibles, on their knees, praying, singing, sharing. I was moved to tears several times. This coming off a Saturday when 25-30 of us gathering and moved a family who is hurting out of their house and into another and nearly 200 of us gather to pick pumpkins thanks to some generous folks.

Enjoy just a handfull of pictures below.

One family wrote the names of every member of their extended family who is not a Christian. One of our young teens wrote the names of his whole football team. Another wrote of a mom who is lost. And the verses - you’ll hear or see this again.

What a day! What a Church! What a God!