A Prayer for God's Men

Dear Father in Heaven, You have entrusted us with Your Word and with Your people. Help us to deliver Your Word with conviction and compassion. Help us to teach the head and the heart. Help us to preach with loyalty to You and love for Your people. Help us, dear Lord to speak the truth in love. May we remember that it is Your Word, not ours.

Dear God, as we preach on Sunday, please give us clear minds, soft hearts, and ready remembrances. Help us, Father to be aware of the truth that You will provide us with strength when we are weak, that You will comfort us when we must preach with pain, and that Your Word will not return void unto You. 

Father, please give Your men, an extraordinary measure of peace in their heart as they prepare to speak for You. May those who hear them be encouraged and strengthened in their walk with You.

Dear Lord, May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O, Lord, our rock, and our Redeemer. In the Name of the One who gave His life for us, we pray, Amen.

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