You Are Needed

I suppose for all of us who preach there are those days when we feel rather useless. We walk around almost as in a fog, the ultimate insider but feeling like you do not fit in at all. We wonder if we’ve gone beyond our shelf life or if we even had one in the first place. 


You are needed because God’s plan is for saving souls eternally includes the preaching of the Word.


You are needed because God’s church needs bold men who will speak truth in love.


You are needed because God’s Word needs to be preached.


You are needed because you the church needs balanced men.


You are needed because you need the challenge to grow in the Word.


You are needed because our children need spiritual training in the Word of God.


You are needed because all sorts of vessels are valuable.


You are needed because the Word needs to be lived out before a lost world. 


Don’t ever think the role you fill is unimportant. We are involved in the most important job in the world. God knows it, and now you do too. Give it your best and, enjoy it. 
